Residential Status [S-81] -

Resident Company [S-83]

Resident Company

Let’s start the discussion on the topic of Resident Company status for different entities, specifically focusing on Resident Companies ain FBR. If you have any specific questions or points you’d like to cover, feel free to let me know, and we can dive deeper into the details of each category. Resident Company [S-83] i. Company … Read more

Resident Individual [S-82]

Resident Tax Individual

Introduction: Section 81—Resident and non-resident persons.— (1) A person shall be a residentperson for a tax year if the person is —(a) a resident individual, resident company or resident associationof persons for the year; or(b) the Federal Government. Types of Residential Status–(S-81) a) Resident Individual [S-82] i. Not based on Nationality, based on Physical Presence … Read more